Joyce’s Shrimp Pasta Salad

November 1, 2011

This recipe was introduced to me by Pete’s mom, Joyce. It has become an instant family favorite.

I made if for the first time this weekend, and it was just as popular with a new crowd.

1# box elbow macaroni

  • Cook the pasta, drain well

3 cups Miracle Whip
1 white onion

  • Peel and dice the onion really small (<1/8″ pieces)
  • Mix Miracle Whip and onions into pasta. Coat thoroughly with Miracle Whip, but leave a little dry.

2 cans medium canned shrimp

  • Open and drain shrimp.
  • Fold the shrimp into the pasta mix. Careful though; you don’t break up the shrimp too much.

1 pint grape tomatos

  • Wash the tomatos
  • Slice tomatos about 1/8″ thick
  • Place tomato slices to completely cover top layer.

2T paprika

  • sprinkle paprika over top for color.

There is no need for salt, the shrimp adds more than enough.

For best results, refrigerate for a few hours before serving.

Pete suggested an optional upgrade, which was a ring of Colossal shrimp around the edge of the bowl, for cocktail sauce.

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